Building a Complete Web App in 2 hours with AWS Amplify
AWS Amplify is the fastest and easiest way to build web and mobile applications on AWS.In this workshop, we will build a complete web application with,
Authentication and Authorization
DynamoDB as the Database
ElasticSearch for Read-Queries
Continuous Delivery
UI Tests with Cypress
This is the last meetup of the year 2019. Hope to see you all there!
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
5:30 PM to 7:30 PMLee Hedges Tower
349 Colombo Rd · Colombo -
thanks @cody
thank you bro.
What is AWS Amplify?
A JavaScript library for frontend and mobile developers building cloud-enabled applications. The library is a declarative interface across different categories of operations in order to make common tasks easier to add into your application. The default implementation works with Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources but is designed to be open and pluggable for usage with other cloud services that wish to provide an implementation or custom backends.simply this is a tool for aws services.